Audley Mills Surgery

57 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7JF

Telephone: 01268 209309

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How do I?

How do I… register with the Practice?

You can now register online using the NHS GP Registration Service, please click here.

** Please note for any shared mobile numbers either added to patient records as next of kin or main contact details, it is the responsibility of the person who’s number it is to check who the message is intended for. We are unable to add patient identifiable information in SMS messaging. **

How do I… make an appointment?

We offer telephone consultations, or face-to-face appointments with a variety of clinicians. The receptionists will assist you in finding the most appropriate clinician after asking you a series of short questions regarding your problem. If you have a private issue you do not wish to discuss with the receptionist, please make this known to them.

If you have more than one problem to discuss with the Doctor, there may not be sufficient time to deal with the second and subsequent problems in a single consultation. Please be sure to deal with the most important problem first. If the doctor feels that a problem cannot be adequately dealt with in the time available you may be asked to book another appointment.

Additionally, we start each day with around 100 routine ‘book-on-day’ appointments available. These appointments are not released for booking until 8pm the evening prior (for online booking). The phones are answered from 8:00am, but note that the phones may be very busy early in the morning with people booking these appointments. Approximately half of available appointments are bookable in advance.

We also conduct three urgent case Surgeries each day. These are for people with problems that cannot wait until the next working day. Please do not abuse this service, as such abuse may result in delays in treatment for those in greatest need.

If you cannot keep an appointment, please let us know so someone else can benefit from this service.

If you book a telephone appointment, please be reminded that you will be contacted within three hours of your appointment time – not necessarily the actual time you have been booked for.

How do I… register for PATCHS?

We have now introduced a new E-consultation service through a system called PATCHS. This replaces the previous “Doctorlink”.

The service allows patients to raise both clinical and non-clinical requests. Requests are then assessed, allocated to an appropriate member of staff and actioned. The service is not appropriate for urgent clinical requests. We aim to respond to requests within 48 hours. Please note that no appointment can be made using PATCHS.

To use this service for the first time you will be prompted to register and input your patient details.

Please bear in mind that this is a new service and there may be some initial teething problems. We hope that it will become a useful means of communication with the surgery and ease some of the current issues with call waiting times and accessibility.

To register, please follow the link: PATCHS

Either register using your NHS login (through the NHS app) or create an account with Patchs. To create an account:

    1. Select ‘Contact my GP Practice’
    2. Select ‘Continue with PATCHS’
    3. Then ‘Register as a Patient’
    4. Confirm to giving consent.
    5. Fill out your details and select ‘register’.

You will then receive an email with further instructions on how to verify your email address and finish your registration.

For those using their NHS login, this is the same log in details as used within the NHS app.

*Please note, you cannot use this service to book appointments – this is for non-urgent requests ONLY. All appointments should be made via our online booking service or by calling the Surgery.

Frequently asked questions:

    1. Data Infrastructure and Security FAQ – PATCHS Support
    2. Is PATCHS approved by the NHS? – PATCHS Support
    3. How do you use my data? – PATCHS Support

How do I… obtain a home visit?

If you need to see the Doctor but are not well enough to get to the surgery please telephone on 01268 209309 before 12:00pm.

A Doctor can see six patients in the surgery in the same time as one house-call. On occasions the Doctor will need equipment only available in the Surgery. Please make every effort to get to the Surgery using help from a neighbour or taxi, if necessary. Home visits are strictly for housebound patients only, those deemed medically unable to come to the surgery. It is for the Doctor to decide whether it is appropriate to visit. If you request a house call, our receptionists are under instruction to obtain sufficient information so that the Doctors can judge whether a home visit is necessary and how urgent it is. Please anticipate appropriate questioning.

How do I… change my details?

To change your details please see ‘update my details’ icon to the right hand side. Alternatively, please complete the form below and circle one preferred method of contact.

How do I… cancel an appointment? 

To cancel an appointment, please text your name, appointment day and time to: 07902 199337

How do I… obtain test results?

Please note you do not need to contact the Surgery for your blood test results. The Doctor will notify patients by a text message or our Reception will contact you if patients are required to be booked in for a follow-up as per their test result. If you do require your results, and have not yet been notified, please call the Surgery after 3pm.

For specimens, all specimens that are due to go to the Hospital Laboratory should be at the Surgery by 12:00pm (noon).

For blood tests, we now provide blood taking services (Phlebotomy) at the Surgery most days, from 7am. To book an appointment, please call the Surgery. Our Phlebotomists are able to do blood tests for children aged 7 and over (depending on which Phlebotomist is in on which day), so when booking for children below the age of 16, please check with reception when booking. If you are attending the Surgery for a blood test, please make sure you have plenty of water to drink beforehand, this helps to locate your vein.

If you would prefer to have your blood taken at other local Clinics, or alternatively the Hospital, then phone 01702 422555 to book this. Glucose Tolerance Tests must also be booked in this way (they cannot be done at the surgery).

How do I… obtain a repeat prescription?

We aim to process prescription requests within 48 hours from the hand-in. Please note that requests for repeat prescriptions are not taken by telephone but they we can accept written requests, requests submitted online through your NHS app or PATCHS.

Prescriptions received before 10.30am will be ready the next working after 2pm. Requests received after 10.30am will be ready in 48 hours.



Opening Times

  • Monday
    07:00am to 08:00pm
    Reception opens at 8:00am.We are open from 7:00am for pre-booked appointments. Please note that the telephone System closes at 18:30.
  • Tuesday
    07:00am to 06:30pm
    Reception opens at 8:00am.We are open from 7:00am for pre-booked appointments.
  • Wednesday
    07:00am to 06:30pm
    Reception opens at 8:00am.We are open from 7:00am for pre-booked appointments.
  • Thursday
    07:00am to 08:00pm
    Reception opens at 8:00am.We are open from 7:00am for pre-booked appointments. Please note that the telephone system closes at 18:30
  • Friday
    07:00am to 06:30pm
    Reception opens at 8:00am.We are open from 7:00am for pre-booked appointments.
  • Saturday
    09:00am to 05:00pm
  • Sunday
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