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GP Practice’s continues to evolve. In addition to Doctor appointments we have a range of other Health Professionals that offer appointments at the surgery. We would be grateful if you could review the other options that are available to see if one of these appointments could be used to resolve your issue:
Our Appointments:
Appointments can be made Monday to Friday by telephoning the surgery at 8:00am or by booking online from 8:00pm (if you are registered for this service). We offer telephone consultation appointments or face to face appointments. Not all appointments are offered online so, if you are unsuccessful online, please telephone us.
If you book a telephone appointment, please be reminded that you will be contacted within three hours of your appointment time – not necessarily the actual time you have been booked for.
Only appointments for the Doctors, Assessment Physiotherapists or Phlebotomists (blood test) are available to be booked online. All other appointments should be booked by telephoning or calling into the surgery.
We offer Saturday appointments for Doctor/Nurses in the Audley Mills Education Centre but these may not be with one of the Doctors/Nurses from this Surgery. Weekend appointments need to be booked through the reception.
No appointments will be booked following an email request.
Appointments are ALWAYS in great demand so please cancel your appointment if you no longer require it. You can cancel online (if you booked it this way) or by texting us on: 07902199337 (leaving your details) or by telephoning or calling into the surgery.
You can also consult a GP via an e-consult through our website PATCHS but this should NOT be used for anything urgent nor to arrange appointments.
If following a consultation with a health care professional you feel you want to question or disagree with the advice you have been given. Please in the first place arrange to speak with that clinician to address the issue. We are aware that we do not always get things right and would value the chance to discuss you concerns. If you do not wish to speak with the same professional, you can arrange to gain a second opinion by seeking to discuss the issue with a alternative GP.