Social Prescriber
Social Prescribers can help deal with non-clinical concerns affecting health and wellbeing. Examples include:
- Patients with low level mental health problems including anxiety, depression or bereavement support.
- Support managing patients with long term conditions i.e. COPD/Stroke
- Assist with work/employment/training/volunteering
- Lifestyle management & physical exercise (weight management or cooking classes)
- Educational support, Support with allowances, benefits etc.
- Housing options
- Health & Wellbeing support including toe nail clipping, carers support, isolation/loneliness, befriending, family mentoring, dementia support, parenting courses, teenage behaviour problems.
- Welfare support (help with shopping, transport, home help IT Services, fire safety)
- They also sign post to Sexual health or legal support services, hate crimes.
Please contact Maddy or Kath 07757 795081/07947349318 or 01268 214000
Alternatively, email: or visit